“Michelle is amazing! Our son is finally thriving and getting the sleep he needs (and so are we). I am forever grateful for Michelle and the confidence she’s given me as a Mom. I only wish I contacted her sooner!”

— sarah


“Our daughter is coming up on two and we were still rocking her to sleep every night--what started as snuggle time that we really loved had turned into a battle to get her to sleep that took at least an hour (often two) every night.  She was also waking up during the night a few times a week and would not go back to sleep until one of us came in and picked her up, and would not go down for naps at home on the weekends. Michelle's help has totally changed bedtime and naptime for our family.  Before we got started, Michelle talked through our questions and gave us the confidence to get through the first nights of the new routine. We followed Michelle's plan and after three nights, our daughter started getting the hang of the new routine--now when we put her to bed, she goes in her crib and plays (mostly) quietly by herself until she falls asleep. Working with a sleep consultant seemed like an indulgent idea, but we are so glad that we worked with Michelle and wish we had done it sooner.  Her plan was easy to follow, her support was extremely helpful, and she helped us get quick results. We are so grateful that the stressful bedtimes are behind us and, more importantly, that our daughter is getting more (and better quality) sleep.”

— andrew


“Michelle worked with me when my son was about three months old. I was worried his resistance to napping was my fault and would last forever. She empowered me by teaching me what was reasonable to expect of a baby his age and by giving me an easy plan to support him to sleep his best both during the day and at night. Within a week of speaking to her his naps were almost always going great. He even slept for seven uninterrupted hours at night! I cannot recommend her services highly enough!!!”

— Rebecca


“We had been bedsharing with our 1 year old since she was 3 months old - I was nursing her to sleep and she would comfort nurse periodically in the middle of the night. And though she slept pretty well if I was next to her, we wanted to transition her to her own crib/room, so that 1.) I didn't have to go to bed early every night like I had been for months, and 2.) because I was going on a work trip and was worried that she and my husband wouldn't get any sleep while I was gone. We found that Michelle was really knowledgeable about sleep, easy to talk to, and she eased some of our worries right away. We hit a few hiccups along the way, and Michelle was able to help us alter our plans accordingly. With her encouragement and guidance, we were able to continue on with our plan and just the other night, our little one went to sleep after 4 minutes and slept through the night for 11.5 hours! It was like magic! Michelle's responsiveness and moral support were invaluable in this process and are things we wouldn't have gotten out of any sleep training book - we are so happy to have worked with her!”

— Cha


“You guys, Michelle is a baby sleep GENIUS. Seriously, I feel like she's given us our life back, and our baby boy is happier and more joyful than he's ever been. Originally, we had no intentions of sleep training -- we assumed that there would be some excessive crying, which we just weren't comfortable with. Michelle immediately put our minds at ease. She explained that there were several different options for teaching baby how to fall and stay asleep on his own, and that she would help us figure out which style best suited our needs and comfort level. We could tell that she was genuinely invested in our baby's better sleep. The first night, baby did cry for a few minutes, and admittedly it was a bit nerve wracking for my wife and me, but the baby surprised us with how quickly he was able to fall asleep on his own. On the second night HE SLEPT FROM 6:30PM TO 4AM without waking, and then he was able to put himself back to sleep after a nursing session that same morning. We. Were. Shocked. Every night and nap since then has blown us away as well. It really feels like he was just waiting for somebody to come along and teach him how to sleep on his own. Seeing how happy he is when deeply rested has been amazing. It only makes me wish we'd chosen to give him the gift of sleep a bit sooner.”

— merritt


"We came to Michelle desperate for more rest. Our 10 month old son had been bedsharing and nursing to sleep since birth, and had slept great that way until about 8 months old when he started to crawl and began waking and fidgeting and crying out for milk ALL NIGHT LONG. Michelle gave us a thorough, yet concise plan. Michelle patiently helped us troubleshoot and work through several tough nights with our uniquely stubborn baby until night 3 of finally following her recommendations to a T and POOF!--he began sleeping through the night on his own, 13 hours a night, completely night weaned. I am still amazed at his progress! I fully believe in Michelle's guidance and strongly recommend her services to anyone who needs that voice of reason to help navigate rough sleep transitions. Through those challenging days and nights Michelle became more than just a sleep consultant, she was a friend, a cheerleader, a therapist, someone truly invested in my child's sleep health. “

— Kristen


"We truly appreciate you and what you’ve helped make possible for our family. My husband and I have gained alone time together in the evenings and I’ve been able to start exercising while our daughter is asleep. We’ve also noticed that she’s a happier kid now that she’s well rested. We couldn’t be happier with your service and how quickly everything came together.”

— vanessa


"Michelle is SO awesome and knowledgeable about sleep. My daughter was 3.5 years old and had never slept through the night- waking every couple hours. At this point, I was convinced it was too late to sleep train and I was without a full night of sleep for years. I have read several books on sleep training before the process but nothing could have helped in the instrumental amount Michelle did. And the real surprise is...MY DAUGHTER WAS TRAINED IN ONE NIGHT! To Michelle, I am forever grateful for the full nights of sleep, and for essentially saving my marriage.”

— Allie


"Michelle incorporated our lifestyle, parenting philosophies, and recommendations from our pediatrician to create a sleep plan tailored to our son. Throughout the process, Michelle was always just a phone call away for any questions, concerns, or just a pep talk. I cannot recommend The Baby Sleep Engineer enough!”

— Hannah


"Michelle was FABULOUS to work with, and I am forever grateful to her for helping everyone in this house to get more sleep.  Michelle was incredibly responsive, and I found her to be very compassionate and patient, for baby and parent alike. I cannot, cannot recommend Michelle enough.  She will help you get your baby to sleep AND you'll want her to be your best friend."

— Jess


"Michelle was caring, attentive, and always worked within the parameters we felt comfortable with. When I first met Michelle I had a 3 year old who I still hadn't transitioned into her own room and a newborn on the way. I am happy to say my 3 year old is now in her own room and bed and my newborn is sleeping like a champ! We implemented Michelle's tips as soon as he was born and we now have a 10 week old who is able to put himself to sleep for naps and at night after a short bedtime routine. Michelle is professional, sensitive, and passionate about what she does. "

— Darcy


"Our whole family was experiencing major sleep disruptions due to our 4 year old waking up in the middle of the night to come to our bed. After following Michelle’s advice, she started sleeping 11-12 hours per night in her own room without waking up within a week, and her mood and behaviors have drastically improved.”

— Lyndsey


“I had tried many things on my own to get my baby to sleep, but he just wouldn’t. I felt like this was how my life was going to be forever - never getting a break and being beyond exhausted all the time. Insert Michelle! After 4 nights something magical happened - our son was now putting himself to sleep without any crying! It was LIFE CHANGING for us! I strongly encourage anyone that wants or needs direction and support with getting better sleep for their child on any level or at any age to reach out to Michelle. I was totally discouraged before sleep training, but now am a firm believer that sleep is achievable with the right tools, and Michelle can help you get there.”

— Julie F.


If you are thinking about hiring Michelle, do your future self a favor and do it! I have a child with special needs and we were nervous about sleep training, but needed sleep! Michelle helped us make a plan that took her medical history into account and met us where we were emotionally. She gave us clear guidelines that were easy to follow even in the fog of early baby days and supported us through it. We now have an awesome sleeper and her health and development are better for it. Every time I put one of her recommendations into place it worked like charm. My new motto is pretty much ‘Michelle is always right'."

— victoria


“Being able to provide a consistent routine with clear boundaries with our growing toddler has been a game changer. Throughout our two weeks together, Michelle was always responsive and engaged with updates and check-ins. We also love that she included a 'looking forward' plan because with any training, maintenance and accounting for road bumps is key to staying on track.”

— Julie K.


“My first child and I had a rocky relationship with sleep.  It seemed I made ALL the wrong moves in my desperate attempts to get him to fall asleep. I knew I wanted to manage sleep differently with my second child and that I would need help. Michelle provided a clear and manageable outline of what the first few months should ideally look  like (with plenty of room for flexibility) and then gave us personalized strategies when we hit bumps along the way. She is extremely knowledgeable, supportive, and best of all compassionate.  My almost 4 month old is sleeping great and my husband and I are more relaxed and confident. “

— Tara


“She listens, she’s sensitive to your needs, but tells you how to make it work; none of that fluff and noise you have to go digging through in sleep books or websites. Who has time for that when you’re sleep deprived and hanging on by a thread? At 10 months old, neither my daughter nor I were getting any sleep, and I felt trapped. I was co-sleeping, nursing to sleep, my husband was using a carrier to put our daughter to sleep and the nanny was using a stroller. Michelle broke it down to us with a step by step plan to get our daughter sleeping in her crib through the night. Her knowledge was so beneficial to my husband and I being able to break things down to a science.  No question was silly, and her lighthearted personality and smile made it very easy process. When our two week period ended we didn’t want to say goodbye. She didn’t leave us abandoned though! She left us a sleep guide for our daughter’s future, and more than 2 months and 4 teeth later, our daughter sleeps 12 hours a night and naps 2.5 hours during the day.”

— Omnia